Village Vacances Valcartier

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Rules and Safety

Everything you need to know to safely enjoy your visit to Village Vacances Valcartier!

Aroma Spa


  • Alcohol consumption is strictly forbidden during the activity.
  • The activity is strictly forbidden for pregnant women, and may not be suitable for people who suffer from angina, high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular or respiratory problems. It is preferable to consult your doctor prior to your visit if you have particular health issues.
  • Bathing suits must be worn at all times.
  • Sandals must be worn at all times in the spa and in the changing rooms.
  • Removing your jewelry and glasses is recommended before entering the hot tub.
  • 5 people maximum per hot tub.
  • Children 16 years old and over, must be accompanied by a parent.
  • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave.
Bora Parc


  • No pushing
  • No diving
  • No running
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed
  • Containers or any glass objet prohibited
  • No smoking
  • Shower with soap is mandatory before accessing the waterpark
  • Swim diapers mandatory for toddlers
  • All personal effects other than towels and plastic water bottles are prohibited in Bora Parc.
  • Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult


  • Read and obey all posted signs.
  • Obey all instructions given by the operators and lifeguards.
  • Anyone under the influence of drugs or excess alcohol will not be permitted in the park.
  • Pregnant women and those with a history of heart problems, back trouble or any physical conditions that may be aggraved by the attractions at the waterpark should not use the slides.
  • Failure to follow rules and instructions may lead to injuries.
  • Bora Parc is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
  • No violent or sexual behavior will be tolerated in the Bora Parc or anywhere else on-site. Anyone who breaches these regulations is liable to prosecution and immediate expulsion. All incidents should be immediately reported to a lifeguard or any other employee.
  • Carefully evaluate each attraction to determine if you and the people who are with you can safely participate. If you have any questions, consult a lifeguard before participating.
  • Consult the section on the Bora Parc's slides and attractions to learn more about specific safety rules.
  • Use the Bora Parc's facilities at your own risk.

Additional Information

Height and Age Requirements for Slides and Attractions

The height requirement varies from one attraction to another.

Personal Flotation Device

Young children can use 6 slides by themselves or accompanied by an adult. They must use a personal flotation device in the wave pool, Riviera (1 meter and over) and Le Récif. Self-serve personal flotation devices are available for free throughout the Bora Parc.

Dress Code

Our guests are required to wear proper swimming attire, covering the lower body. We recommend wearing comfortable swimwear without buttons, snaps, rivets or zippers.


Strollers are allowed at the Bora Parc.

Heat and Humidity

The warm temperature and the high humidity inside the Bora Parc can bother some people suffering from lung problems (asthma, a cold, bronchitis, etc.). Be prepared! Monitor your condition and bring all the medication you need when you visit the Bora Parc. If you feel affected by the conditions, step out of the park for a few minutes to recuperate.

Our team of lifeguards and first responders are always available should you need help.


Food is not allowed in Bora Parc. However, if you would like to have your own lunch or snack, there is reserved dining area near the Bar Tahiti. You can also enjoy a quick meal at the Resto Polynésia, which offers a cafeteria-style menu.

Outdoor Waterpark

Have a Fun and Safe Day

  • Our certified team of lifeguards and slide attendants ensure your safety and well-being and make sure the safety rules are followed.
  • It is forbidden to bring glass containers.
  • It is forbidden to bring your own alcoholic beverages. 
  • We keep the right to search bags upon arrival.
  • It is forbidden to bring your own beach umbrella.
  • Personal flotation devices are available for free (photo ID card or $20 deposit required).
  • Drinking fountains are located on site so you can stay hydrated throughout the day. Water bottles are also available at all our restaurants.
  • Shaded areas and umbrellas are available on site to protect you from the sun. Sunscreen, hats and sunglasses are sold at the boutique in the event you forgot to bring them.

Safety Rules

  • Each attraction has its own safety rules. These rules refer to age, height and weight restrictions, restrictions on medical and physical conditions, and regulations and mandatory position. Rules as well as the mandatory position are displayed at each attraction.
  • Safety rules are displayed at the top and at the bottom of each slide. They can also be found in the Attractions section of our website, as well as in the videos below.
  • Personal flotation devices are mandatory in some attractions for inexperienced swimmers and children under 1.22 m (48 in.).
  • Glasses with or without straps are forbidden in some attractions.
  • Long hair must be tied in the attractions.
  • Village Vacances Valcartier is a family-oriented park. Guests are asked to wear appropriate swimwear when using our attractions. Thongs and transparent clothing are not permitted. Bathers of all genders are required to wear an appropriate swimsuit bottom.  We reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of swimwear.
  • Dresses, jeans and loose clothing are prohibited in the attractions.
  • Swim diapers are mandatory for toddlers.
  • Smoking tobacco or drugs, as well as vaping, is prohibited in all areas of the resort. 
  • Attractions are not recommended for pregnant women or individuals with specific medical conditions.
  • Selfie sticks are strictly prohibitted in all slides.
  • Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Winter Playground

In order to fully enjoy your day at the Winter Playground, please make sure you follow the following safety rules carefully.

  • Upon your arrival, take an inner tube.
  • Before you leave, bring your inner tube back to the designated area.
  • Slide difficulties vary from EASY to EXTREME. The level of difficulty is clearly identified on signs posted next to each slide.
  • Next to each slide you will also see a safety rules sign. Please read these safety rules carefully before sliding and remember to follow all safety rules throughout the day.
  • For your safety, slide in designated areas only. Mechanical lifts are well identified and are not slides.
  • To reach the mechanical lifts or other areas, you must go around the slides. Crossing through slides is strictly prohibited.
  • Before sliding, you must wait for the security gate to open and make sure that no one is at the bottom of the slide.
  • It is mandatory to be seated on the inner tubes. Sliding on your belly, your knees or standing up in the inner tubes is strictly prohibited.
  • Sliding in single file is prohibited. Groups up to 8 people are allowed on certain slides.
  • When the ride is over, leave the landing area quickly.
  • Rafting boats can accommodate up to 12 people. It is important to hold on to the boat tightly during the entire ride.
  • Tornado boats can accommodate up to 8 people. It is important to hold on to the boat tightly during the entire ride.
  • Guests must follow each slide's safety rules as well as all safety instructions provided by your ride operator. Guests who do not follow Village Vacances Valcartier's safety rules will be asked to leave the resort immediately.
  • Attractions are not recommended for pregnant women or individuals with specific medical conditions.
  • Selfie sticks are not allowed on any slide.
  • Action cameras are allowed on all slides. For your safety, action cameras must be secured using a chest mount harness or head strap.
  • Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Valcartier Campground - Campsite Rental

All campers and visitors must abide by these rules. Anyone violating them may be subject to penalties or expulsion. After two warnings, violators will be expelled without any refund.

Arrival / Departure

Arrival 3 to 11 p.m.
Departure Noon - or additional charges will apply.


from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
All motor traffic is prohibited during curfew hours. Lights on campground lanes are turned off 10 minutes before curfew. Campers must refrain from making excessive noise (music and parties). The use of generators, noisy appliances and lighting systems is not permitted. Non-compliance of these guidelines will result in immediate expulsion and a minimum fee of $ 100 per site will be charged on the credit card.

Speed limit

The campground speed limit is 10 km/h.


Pets are welcome on the campground site but not in pavilions nor on waterpark’s ground site. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times, in a cage or in a vehicle suitable for their well-being. Pets must be restrained at all times and are not to be left unattended outside campground sites or service buildings. Pet waste must be picked up and thrown away in a trash container. Pet owners will be held responsible for any disturbances or personal injuries that may result from their pets' behavior.


All garbage must be placed in plastic bags and thrown in dumpsters provided for that purpose.


  1. Campers are not allowed to change campsites without prior authorization from the campground office.
  2. Campers must take good care of Valcartier Campground equipment at all times. They must leave their sites and any equipment they use in clean and proper order. Users may be billed for any damage done to campground equipment. Sites left in bad condition will be cleaned at the client's charge.
  3. Campfires or cooking fires are permitted only in designated areas. They must be attended to at all times, kept low, contained within the fire rings provided and extinguished before curfew. Fireworks are not allowed.
  4. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited inside service buildings. Campers are to keep drinking to a moderate level. Drug use is strictly forbidden on the campground. Failure to comply may result in expulsion. A minimum penalty fee of $100 per site will be charged on the credit card.
  5. Campers are asked to respect the natural environment. Cutting or damaging trees, plants or bushes, picking up deadwood and having food lying around is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use them for fire wood.
  6. It is prohibited to let drinking water run unnecessarily.
  7. At all times, excessive noise (such as generators) is not permitted. During curfew, no noise that could be heard by a nearby site is permitted.
  8. In conjunction with the new regulation of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency it is strongly recommended to only use the wood sold at the campground licensed grocery.


Valcartier Campground cannot be held responsible for any material damage or personal injury campers or visitors incur because of pets admitted to the campground, partial or total power failure, falling trees, fire, vandalism, theft or material loss.

Valcartier Campground - Equipment / Ready-to-Camp Facilities Rental

All campers and visitors must abide by these rules. Anyone violating them may be subject to penalties or expulsion. After two warnings, violators will be expelled without any refund.

Arrival / Departure

Arrival 4 to 11 p.m.
Departure Noon - or additional charges will apply.


from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
All motor traffic is prohibited during curfew hours. Lights on campground lanes are turned off 10 minutes before curfew. Campers must refrain from making excessive noise (music and parties). The use of generators, noisy appliances and lighting systems is not permitted. Non-compliance of these guidelines will result in immediate expulsion and a minimum fee of $ 100 per site will be charged on the credit card.

Speed limit

The campground speed limit is 10 km/h.


Pets are welcome on the campground site but not in pavilions nor on waterpark’s ground site. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times, in a cage or in a vehicle suitable for their well-being. Pets must be restrained at all times and are not to be left unattended outside campground sites or service buildings. Pet waste must be picked up and thrown away in a trash container. Pet owners will be held responsible for any disturbances or personal injuries that may result from their pets' behavior. Pets are not welcomed in our rental equipment (travel trailer, rustic cabin, and prospector cabin).


All garbage must be placed in plastic bags and thrown in dumpsters provided for that purpose.


  1. Campers are not allowed to change campsites without prior authorization from the campground office.
  2. Campers must take good care of Valcartier Campground equipment at all times. They must leave their sites and any equipment they use in clean and proper order. Users may be billed for any damage done to campground equipment. Sites left in bad condition will be cleaned at the client's charge.
  3. Campfires or cooking fires are permitted only in designated areas. They must be attended to at all times, kept low, contained within the fire rings provided and extinguished before curfew. Fireworks are not allowed.
  4. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited inside service buildings. Campers are to keep drinking to a moderate level. Drug use is strictly forbidden on the campground. Failure to comply may result in expulsion. A minimum penalty fee of $100 per site will be charged on the credit card.
  5. Campers are asked to respect the natural environment. Cutting or damaging trees, plants or bushes, picking up deadwood and having food lying around is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use them for fire wood.
  6. It is prohibited to let drinking water run unnecessarily.
  7. At all times, excessive noise (such as generators) is not permitted. During curfew, no noise that could be heard by a nearby site is permitted.
  8. In conjunction with the new regulation of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency it is strongly recommended to only use the wood sold at the campground licensed grocery.


Valcartier Campground cannot be held responsible for any material damage or personal injury campers or visitors incur because of pets admitted to the campground, partial or total power failure, falling trees, fire, vandalism, theft or material loss.

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