Village Vacances Valcartier

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What a Hypnotizing Ride!

Hop on an inner tube with a friend and let yourself be propelled by the current as you pitch and sway from side to side at top speed. Now that's what we call fun!

Safety rules: Children measuring less than 1 m (39 3/8 in.) in height are prohibited. Children measuring 1.22 m (48 in.) tall are permitted as long as they are accompanied by an adult and are wearing a personal flotation device. Glasses with straps are permitted. This attraction is not recommended for pregnant women.

Good to know

  • 2 slides
  • Inner tube for 2 people
  • Total of 400 lbs maximum (2 people)

Good to know

  • 2 slides
  • Inner tube for 2 people
  • Total of 400 lbs maximum (2 people)

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